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Sr #
Nature of Business
Regulatory Requirements (NOC, Licensee, Approval, Permits, Registration, Tax, Allotments etc.)
Applicability (One Time, Renewal) (Frequency)
Manual / Digital
Required Documents
Regulating Law, Rules
Fee / Charges
Average Time Required
Approving Authority
All kind of business pertaining to industrialization
Only Arms and Pharmaceutical al Industrial Units are bound to fulfill the aforementioned regulatory requirements from the concerned government entities.
One time
For Fresh Allotment form indicating plot (s) required area, Name & Nature of Industry Bank Soundness Certificate. CNIC Photocopy. Feasibility Report & Building Plan of Industry I. For Transfer of Lease Rights to New Party II. Applications III.CNIC Photocopies of seller & purchaser IV. Sales Deed V. Name & Nature of Industry VI. Bank Soundness Certificate. VII. Feasibility Report VIII. Advertisement & Building Plan of Industry etc.
SIDB Act 1972. Plot Allotment Regulation.
For Fresh Allotment Total cost of plot to be paid by lessee in Four Installments at each & every Small Industries Estates. Category-wise plots in all Estates. Category: A=10,000 to 12,000-sqft B-5,000 to 6,000-sqft C-2,500 to 3,000-sqft Administrative/ Maintenance, Ground & Cleanliness Charges Administrative & Maintenance @ 0.405/-paisa per sqft PA Ground Rent for Category “A” Rs.68/- p.m. “B” Rs.40/- p.m. “C” Rs.27/- p.m. Cleanliness Charges Rs.500/- per month Water Charges for ½ dia pipe Rs.405-per month Water Charges for ¾ dia pipe Rs.610-per month Water Charges for 1-dia pipe Rs.1015-per month Water Charges for New Connection 2025/- Ice Factories Rs.6,075/- per month April to September. Service Charges. Bifurcation Fee for Category A=Rs. 8,100/- B=Rs. 5,400/- C=Rs. 2,700/- Change of Name Fee for change of name of Category A= Rs. 5,400/- B= Rs. 2,700/- C= Rs. 1,350/- Change of Nature Fee for change of Nature of unit of Category A= Rs.5,400/- B= Rs. 2,700/- C= Rs. 1,350/- Fee for change of Director: Rs. 2,700/- Building Plan Fee Rs.2.70-per sqft for each category in all estates. Transfer Fee of Lease Rights to New Party of complete industrial unit. Transfer Fee for Category A= Rs.6750/- B= Rs.5400/- C= Rs.4050/- Transfer Fee of Lease Rights to New Party of under construction unit (industrial) A=Rs.54,000/- B=Rs.40,500/- C=Rs.27,000/- Transfer Fee of Lease Rights to New Party of complete unit (commercial). A=Rs. 67,500/- B=Rs, 54,000/- C=Rs. 40,500/- Transfer Fee of Lease Rights to New Party of under construction unit (commercial) A=Rs. 81,000/- B=Rs. 67,500/- C=Rs. 54,000/- Fee for Open plot (Industrial) A=Rs. 80,000/- B=Rs. 60,000/- C=Rs. 40,000/- Fee for Open plot (commercial) A=Rs.81,000/- B=Rs.67,500/- C=Rs.54,000/-
Managing Director SIDB
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