Implementation Support Consulting Services for the Billion Tree Afforestation Support Project (BTASP)
Deadline: 24th August 2020
Country: Pakistan
Ref.-N°: BMZ 2019 67 694
Ref.: KfW Procurement No. 505815
Tenderer: Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Forestry, Environment & Wildlife Department (FEWD)
Project Measures:
The envisaged project shall contribute to the protection and sustainable use and management of forests in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa established under BTAP and 10BTAP as part of the National Clean Green Pakistan Initiative and the Bonn Challenge. At the same time, the project will become part of the German Good Governance Programme financed by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Its Programme objective is the improvement of the service provision by the Pakistani government in its decentralized structures and the political participation of the population.
Under this programme, BTASP is expected to contribute to improved and more sustainable government services, increased local participation in decision making as well as in poverty reduction. The following governance aspects are reflected in the project design:
Focus on poor rural communities, small landowners and inclusion of informal users
Delegation of decision-making power to the local communities as forest owners and users
Improvement of women’s livelihoods and participation in local decision making
Consideration of land ownership in establishing of Village Land Use Plans, Village Plans and Participatory Forest Development Plans;
Strengthening of the FEWD as Project Executing Department (PED)
Improvements in transparency, accountability and efficiency in the programs and activities managed by FEWD through the introduction of a digital Management Information System as well as the digitalisation of financial transactions.
Improvement of the sustainability of FEWD’s programs and activities
The proposed project outcome of the BTASP project within the German Governance support programme in Pakistan is the following:
“The restored forest landscapes are being managed in a participatory and sustainable manner, and the livelihoods of the population in the project areas have improved.” Time horizon: 4Q/2020 – 4Q/2026 (6 years) The envisaged financing volume for this programme is EUR 13.5 million (plus an additional option of EUR 20 million). A potential extension of the original contract to support the implementation of this option may be considered
Main beneficiary groups will be small-scale farmers, village women groups and women entrepreneurs in the selected project regions of KP. Key partner institutions in KP and Pakistan are the Forest and Environment Departments and Ministries as well as other governmental organizations at national, provincial, district and local levels in charge of forestry, landuse, land ownership, agriculture, rural development women, finance and planning. Coordination and collaboration with GIZ, IUCN, World Bank and other actors in the forestry and governance sectors is equally foreseen.
The project shall be implemented with the participation of representatives of beneficiary groups in each participating village and in close collaboration with representatives of potential partner organizations as well as other relevant stakeholder groups. The service provider shall present options, approaches and technologies to organize stakeholder meetings and get input from relevant stakeholder groups in the light of COVID 19 travel restrictions and further on.
Six main outputs with their main activities are envisaged to be financed under the Project:
Output 1: Participatory Forest Development Plans (PFDP) for 10BTAP have been elaborated in a participatory way (this includes developing Village Land Use Plans and Village (Development) Plans on which the PFDP will be based and requires the establishment of Village Development Committees and Women Organizations in each village as per regulation).
Output 2: A nationally replicable Management-Information System (MIS) for the FEWD to manage all its activities and monitor its impacts and that includes BTAP, 10BTAP & BTASP is established, operated and maintained as part of the government’s E-Governance-strategy (for this task, a specialised IT-consultant will be recruited separately with whom the service provider will closely collaborate)
Output 3: Performance-based payments have been established as common practice by the FEWD.
Output 4: The 10BTAP afforestation measures are supported in all BTASP project areas (this includes tree nurseries run by women as well as tree plantation and forest protection activities run by men).
Output 5: The capacities of FEWD as project executing department (PED) and of its respective implementation partners have been strengthened.
Output 6: At least two value chains per forest division for the sustainable use of forest-related resources have been established or improved (this activity is focusing on women)
Requested Services:
Assistance in the implementation of the project.
Qualified, independent international consulting companies (alone or in consortia with other international or national partners) with proven regional expertise in the fields of implementing forestry projects, financial systems development, participatory landuse planning, forest products value chain integration, gender and rural community development are herewith invited to submit applications. Local sub-consultants and individuals may participate in more than one proposal. The integration of local experts including female experts with local language knowledge is mandatory.
The consulting services shall provide the following national and international expertise:
(1) sustainable forest establishment and management, with particular emphasis on participatory approaches (planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation);
(2) capacity development in forestry institutions’ governance, transparency, accountability and efficiency in developing countries;
(3) capacity development in the use of MIS as well as the development and implementation of integrated monitoring systems.
(4) overall project management, particularly of FC projects and programs;
(5) financial system development, management and accounting including the management of the project’s disposition fund;
(6) community development, value chains and rural income generating activities with a demonstrated focus on gender
(7) ESMF development and application
The prequalification of experienced Consultants is subject to the regulations contained in the „Guidelines for Assignment of Consultants in Financial Co-operation Projects“ (see The contract will be awarded to an independent consultant firm with proven experience in implementation support for donor (preferably KfW) funded programmes involving the fields mentioned before and a minimum annual turnover of EUR 3.0 million. One original is requested to be sent to the tender agent, the language of the tender is English.
For further information contact the Tender Agent Mr. Winfried Süß (
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